119 acres in Catahoula Parish, Louisiana

Check out these two nice homes in Clayton, Louisiana, with one hundred and nineteen acres. This area in Catahoula Parish is known for its hunting and big bucks. This property also produces an annual income from CRP. There are 100 acres enrolled in the program that pays $11,768 a year until the end of 2029. […]

1315 acres in Pratt County, Kansas

Here is your chance to buy an outstanding deer, duck, turkey, quail, & dove hunting tract that Turkey Creek runs from top to bottom. There is heavy cover from end to end with plenty of trees to bowhunt on Turkey Creek & planted shelter belts with good trees as well. There is plenty of water […]

1077 acres in Franklin Parish, Louisiana

1077 acres consisting of 3 tracts located off of Hwy 4 in Franklin Parish. These three farms are highly productive corn, cotton and soybean farms. All three farms are leveled and irrigated with great tenants in place. These farms are all leased on a 22.5% crop share with corn yields from 200 to 235 bu/ac […]

17 acres in Catahoula Parish, Louisiana

Check out this seventeen-acre paradise with a home that’s loaded with deer and has beautiful scenery. The house is a three-bedroom, two-bath, double-wide home with walk-in closets. The A/C and roof are both under five years old. When in the home, you can look out the double-paned glass windows that fold out and see all […]

9.5 Acres +/- in Caldwell Parish, Louisiana

This property has some beautiful timber on it, and it’s offered at an affordable price. It’s located in the northern part of Caldwell Parish, not far from the Ouachita Parish line. This property is situated just north of Eason Rd. and does not have deeded access. It is surrounded by miles and miles of timberland […]

78 acres in Vernon Parish, Louisiana

Here is your chance to buy a fine 20-year-old pine plantation at a good price that is well managed. The owners have owned this property for many years & and are now ready to sell & move on. Along with the pine timber there is great hunting in this area. The corner of these 78 […]

29 acres in Forrest County, Mississippi

29 acres +/- located just outside of Hattiesburg, MS! This property joins the Leaf River and will offer Whitetail hunting as well as other small game! Call to set up a showing. Listing agent: Skyler Humble Property Location: Hattiesburg Legal Description: in Sec 11, R13W, T4N Access: Old River Avenue & Lagoon Road Hunting: Whitetail […]

80 acres in New Madrid County, Missouri

Black Gold plants chip potatoes in the area and pay’s $300 – $500 rent per acre. 40 acres of farmland was planted in Chip potatoes this year under the pivot 40 ac field. The furrow irrigated back 40 was planted in soy beans. You could pump water on the back 40 for duck hunting. Listing […]

40 acres in Ouachita Parish, Louisiana

This 40-acre tract lies about 20 minutes south of West Monroe, LA off of Okaloosa Road. The pine trees were planted 8 years ago and have a very good stand for future revenue. There is a powerline running thru the middle of the tract that makes a great spot to put a box stand to […]

64 acres in West Carroll Parish, Louisiana

Like many of our properties, this farm has been owned by the same family for many years. It has been transformed from a working farm to the CRP program, and hardwood trees are now planted on it. Wildlife thrives in these areas so the hunting can be spectacular along with growing timber at the same […]