212 acres in Madison Parish, Louisiana
Here is your chance to buy a fine hunting tract in Madison Parish with great income. The CRP will bring $23,894 per year and the 13 acres of cropland will generate $1200 per year. Deer Genetics in this area are superior. Not many hunting tracts have this kind of income. You can be cashing yearly […]
360 acres in Richland Parish, Louisiana
Mercer Whitetails! Synonymous with perfection! 360 acres of recreational bliss. Whitetails that are truly amazing. Mercer Whitetails offers the owner the best whitetail hunting in a controlled environment anywhere in the south. Genetics of various well-known bloodlines that include mass, width, tine length, kickers as well as other unique features are evident. This well-manicured property […]
35 acres in Richland Parish, Louisiana
Comments – Thirty-five acres of country living, not far from Poverty Point Lake. This property will give the buyer room to develop multiple homesites or have a homestead with space for a garden and animals. Whitetail deer make their way through the property as well as small game. If you would like to take a […]